The current Headmistress, Mrs. Peace Owusu-Bediako is assisted by three devoted Assistant Headmasters. They are, Mr. Felix Atingyena as the Assistant Headmaster Administration, the Assistant Headmistress Domestic is in the person of Mrs. Eva Opoku Berko, Mr. Anthony Aboagye as the Assistant Headmaster Academic and the Accountant as Mr. Salifu Habib.

Effisco could boast of some of the products as lecturers in University of Ghana, University of Education Winneba, AAMUSTED and Technical Universities. Some are lawyers, Regional Ministers, Executive Secretaries and others are recognized Chiefs home and abroad. Some also are serving in various capacities in the Military Service, Police Service and in other diverse spheres of life.

Mrs. Peace Owusu-Bediako

(current headmistress)

Mrs. Eva Opoku Berko

(Assistant Headmistress Domestic )

Mr. Anthony Aboagye

(Assistant Headmaster Academic)

Mr. Felix Atingyena

(Assistant Headmaster Administration)

Mr. Salifu Habib
